• info@nredcap.in
  • 0863 2347650

New & Renewable Energy Development Corporation of Andhra Pradesh Ltd.,

(A State Govt. Company)

(Formerly Non-Conventional Energy Development Corporation of Andhra Pradesh Ltd.,)

Industrial Waste Based Power Projects

New & Renewable Energy Development Corporation of Andhra Pradesh Ltd.

Industrial Waste Based Power Projects

The Capital Subsidy for Industrial Waste based Power Projects will be considered subject to the following

  • The amount of capital subsidy would be calculated on the basis of installed capacity
  • Total Capital Subsidy would be limited to Rs. 5.00 crore per projects.
  • Subsidy amount will be restricted to 20 % of the project cost.
  • In case of ongoing project sanctioned by the Ministry under the existing interest subsidy scheme, the promoters would be given an option to get the undisbursed CFA amount adjusted against the loan as one-time support from the Ministry after successful commissioning of the project. The total CFA amount will be equivalent to the original sanctioned interest subsidy amount, taking the appropriate discount factor used in the case of releasing the funds to IREDA / Other FIs / Banks with the provision that this should not lead to any additional outgo of funds form the Ministry.
  • The projects already agreed to ‘in principal’ by the Ministry, but could not be sanctioned so far, would be considered on merit under the programme.

Capital Subsidy to the Promoters:

Wastes / Processes /Technologies Capital Subsidy
1). Industrial Waste to Biogas
i. Biomethanation of low energy density and difficult industrial Wastes (i.e. dairy, tannery, Slaughter house, Sugar(liquid), bagasse wash, textile (liquid), paper (liquid) and pharmaceutical industry). Rs.1.0 crore / MWeq. (12000 Cu.M. biogas per day)
ii. Biomethanation of other industrial Wastes. Rs.0.50 crore/ MWeq. (12000 Cu.M. biogas per day)
2). Power Generation from Biogas
i. Boiler + Steam Turbine Configuration Rs.0.80 crore/MW
ii. Biogas Engine /Turbine Configuration Rs.1.00 crore/MW
3). Power Generation from Solid Industrial Waste (Boiler + Steam Turbine Configuration) Rs.0.80 crore/MW