• info@nredcap.in
  • 0863 2347650

New & Renewable Energy Development Corporation of Andhra Pradesh Ltd.,

(A State Govt. Company)

(Formerly Non-Conventional Energy Development Corporation of Andhra Pradesh Ltd.,)

Energy Consultants

New & Renewable Energy Development Corporation of Andhra Pradesh Ltd.

Energy Consultants Empanelled with NREDCAP

List of Registered Consultants/Accredited Energy Auditors/ESCOs 2012-13

Sl. No. Address Regn. No.
1 M/s. Saket Projects Ltd
Saket House,
Panchsheel Usmanpura,
Ahmedabad 380 013
Phones: 91-79-27551931/1817/2873
Fax ; + 91-79-27550452,
E-mail : mail@saketprojects.com
Website : www.saketprojects.com
E C/11/2012-13
2 M/s. Maruthi Consultants,
Plot No. 195, O.U.Teacher’s Colony,
Phase II Sainikpuri
Hyderabad- 500 094,
Ph No. 27110755
Fax No. 27111021
Email: ivkumar_hyd@dataone.in
3 Zenith Energy Services Pvt. Ltd,
10-5-6/b. My Home Plaza,
Masab Tank, Hyderabad- 500 028
Ph. +91 40 2337 6630/6631
Fax: +91 40 2332 2571
Email: zenith@znenithenergy.com
Website : www.Zenithenergy.com
E C/14/2012-13
4 M/s. Green Stratos Consulting Pvt, Ltd,
Plot No. 75, Amar Co- Op Housing society
Kavuri Hills, Madhapur,
Jubilee Hills,
Hyderabad – 500 033
Ph No. 91-40-64584004
Fax No. 91-40-23547590
Email: info@greenstratos.com
E C/15/2012-13
5 M/s. Sri G.Harihara Iyer FIE,
Certified Energy Auditor,
145. Jal Vayu Vihar,
JNTU Kukatpally,
Hyderabad – 500 085
PhNo. (040) 23057648
Mob- 09701810908
Email: harihara.Iyer@gmail.com
E C/12/2012-13
6 Sri R.V. Ramana Rao,
54-1264/5, Bhanu Nagar,
08H.B. Colony Post,
Visakhapatnam-530 022
7 M/s Pasigoba Energy Consultant,
First Floor, 8-2-120/76,
Lane Adj to Annapurna Studio,
Road no 2, Banjara Hills,
Hyderabad – 500 034
Phone: 45678833, Fax no : 45678880
Website : www.pasigobaenergy.com
Email: pasigoba@yahoo.co.in
8 Virtual Energy Private Limited,
Flat No. 305, Udaya Vensar
Plot No. 59t0 61 Jubilee Gardens
Hyderabad- 500 084,
Tele fax: 91-40-40072719
Email: mail@malaxmi.in
Website : www.malaxmi.in
E C/16/2012-13
9 M/s. Andhra Pradesh Productivity Council,
Productivity House, Plot No. 87,
Road No. 2, Banjara Hills,
Hyderabad – 500 033
10 M/s. National Productivity Council,
10th Floor, Eastern Wing,
Gagan Vihar Complex, M J Road,
Hyderabad- 500 001
Tele: 24733473, Fax: 24606981
Email: npc.ap@nic.in
Website : www.npcindia.org
11 M/s Siri Exergy & Carbon Advisory Service Pvt Ltd,
93 A Janaki Enclave,
Saroor Nagar, Hyderabad- 500 035
Tele Fax: + 91 40 24048222.
Mobile No.. 91-9866324164
Email: siri@siriexergy.com
Website : www.siriexergy.com
E C/02/2012-13
12 M/s. Center of Plant Engineering Services,
IIPHouse,3-6-98. West Mareddpally,
Main Road Secunderabad- 500 026,
Ph no. 040-27802123, 65215438
Tele Fax: 040-27805438
Email: copesap@yahoo.com
E C/03/2012-13
13 M/s Bee Infrastructure (p) Ltd,
Door No. 6-3-347/11, Flat No,601,
Lalithanjali Apartments Dwarakapuri Colony,
Punjagutta, Hyderabad- 500 082.
Ph no 040- 23359666
Fax No. 23359444
Email: contact@beeinfra.com
E C/18/2012-13
14 M/s MITCON Consultancy & Engineering
Services Ltd.,
1st Floor, Kubera Chambers,
Shivaji Nagar,
PUNE – 411 005,
Hone: 020 - 25530308
Fax no : 020- 25530307
Email: mitconmail@gmail.com
15 M/s Engineering Staff College of India,
Old Bombay Road,
Gachi Bowli,
Hyderabad – 500 032
Phone No: 040 – 23000465
Email: pe.esci@gmail.com
E C/13/2012-13
16 M/s. APITCO Limited
8TH Floor,Parisrama Bhavan,
Basheerbag Hyderabad,- 500 004
Phone : 91-4023237333
Fax No. 91-40-23298945
Email : hyd1_ aptico@bsnl.in
Web : www.apitco.org
17 M/s. Academy for Conservation of Energy,
820, Siddharth Complex. R.C.Dutta Road,
Alkapuri, Borada-390 007, (Guj)
Ph: 0265-2325024, Fax: 2325034
Email: info@syguruace.com
Website: www.syguruace.com
E C/10/2012-13
18 M/s Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industries (FICCI)
Federation House, Tansen Marg
New Delhi – 110 001
Phone: 011 – 23738760 – 70: Fax – 011 – 23320714
Email: ficci@ficci.com
E C/19/2012-13
19 M/s DRA Consultants Pvt Ltd.,
58, Ingole Nagar, OPP. Airport,
B/h Hotel Pride, Wardha Road,
Nagapur – 440 005 (M.S), India
Phone: 0712 – 3027575/76/78: Fax: 0712 – 3027527
Email: dra.nagapur@gmail.com
E C/20/2012-13
20 M/s MCJ Energy Engineers (P) Ltd.,
244, Chouhan Estate,
G.E.Road Supela,
BHILAI – 490 023,
Mobile No.: 098930 08136
Email: mc_jain@yahoo.com
E C/17/2012-13