Guidelines for Wind Power Projects & Application Formats
Procedure for Setting up of Wind Farms
- NREDCAP, which is acting as a Nodal
Agency as per orders of Govt. of A.P. vide G.O.Ms.No.9 dt.13.02.2015 of Energy,
Infrastructure & Investment (PR.II) Dept. accords approval for setting up of wind
power projects in the State.
- The developers who seek the approval
for setting up of wind farm may submit the application form in the prescribed format
(enclosed) along with application fee of Rs.25,000/- per MW plus service tax and
Detailed Project Report.
- Details of Technical capabilities
for implementing the wind power project along with relevant documents shall be produced.
- Details of Financial capabilities
for implementing the wind power project along with relevant documents shall be produced.
- Balance sheet for last three years
and latest Net Worth certificate shall be furnished.
- The sites shall be within the areas
notified for wind power development or self identified by the project developers.
In case of sites which are not notified, the NIWE validation report for wind data
shall be submitted along with proposal.
- The project proposals will be evaluated
and Board of NREDCAP will accord final clearance to set up the projects. In respect
of capacities higher than 40 MW, the Board of NREDCAP may consider for recommending
for sanction to the Govt.
- The developer will have to enter
into agreement with NREDCAP on allotment and sanction of the project. At the time
of agreement, the project developer shall pay an amount of Rs.1,50,000 / MW plus
service tax towards sanction fee which is non refundable.
(Further, the developer
shall submit performance bank guarantee of Rs.2,00,000 / MW in case the projects
are proposed to be set up in
Revenue / Forest Areas and Rs.1,00,000 / MW in case
the projects are proposed to be set up in private lands).
- The developer will approach AP Transco
/ DISCOMs for making arrangements to interface the wind farm with the near by grid
duly providing the energy meters for import and export.
Guidelines for Setting up of Wind Farms in Andhra Pradesh
Wind Energy is an indirect form of Solar Energy. About 1% of the total solar radiation
that reaches earth is converted into energy of wind. Wind results from differential
heating of the earth and its atmosphere by sun. As the sun heats different parts
of the earth at different rates, air circulates from cold to warm areas producing
winds. Wind energy has been used for thousands of years to propel sailing ships
and for pumping water and grinding grain. The application of wind energy has several
advantages like low gestation period, no raw-material cost, non-polluting etc. The
development in this sector was accelerated after the formation of Department of
Non-Conventional Energy Sources and later renamed as Ministry of New and Renewable
Energy (MNRE), Govt. of India., which offers policy and financial incentives to
projects based on renewable energy sources in the country.
The oil crisis in 1973 revived the interest in the renewable sources of energy including
wind energy. Different agencies like NAL, Bangalore, BHEL and some of the private
entrepreneurs took up the design and development of windmills for pumping applications.
MNRE had launched the wind resource assessment programme with the help of IITM now
Centre for Wind Energy technology, Chennai to identify windy sites for various applications
of wind energy. New and Renewable Energy Development Corporation of A.P. Ltd (NREDCAP),
the Nodal Agency in A.P. has taken up wind mapping and wind monitoring projects
with the support of MNRE, Govt. of India, Delhi and C-WET, Chennai to identify windy
sites. Andhra Pradesh is one of the States in the country having windy sites suitable
for setting up of wind power projects.
Status of Wind Power Projects
a) Global Scenario
Since mid 70s the development of wind energy technology has made significant progress.
The grid connected wind electric generators have gained momentum. The technology
facilitating use of wind as a major energy source has been established and ranks
one of the most promising of the renewable energy technologies for generating electricity.
The experiences of other countries have provided useful information on policies,
incentives, technology development, institution linkages, legislation, pricing etc.,
which are major, factors for successful development of technology in our country.
b) National Scenario
The wind programme in India was initiated in the year 1983-84. The MNRE has created
strong base, which includes wind resource assessment, research and development implementation
of demonstration projects to create awareness, involvement of industries and utilities,
development of infrastructural facilities for manufacturing and installation and
provide policy support. It is estimated a gross potential of 302251.49 MW at 100
M AGL exists in the country and so far projects aggregating to 27674.55 MW as on
31.08.2016 have been set up in different parts of the country. The NIWE, Chennai
and State Nodal Agencies implement the wind resource assessment programme with support
of MNRE in the Country.
c) Andhra Pradesh Scenario
Based on the studies conducted through wind monitoring exercise, it is found that
the southern part of Andhra Pradesh has got wind potential for setting up of wind
farms. The areas in Anantapur, Cuddapah, Kurnool and parts of Nellore and Chittoor
district have relatively better potential sites to set up wind power projects. As
per the assessment of MNRE, the estimated gross potential is 44228.60 MW at 100
M AGL in the State. NREDCAP is the single window clearance agency to sanction projects
up to 40 MW capacity in the State and so far 1738.62 MW capacity of projects have
been set up as on 31.08.2016.
The aim is to locate wind rich sites in the country through field measurements for
the development of wind energy utilization. Dedicated 20/25/30/50/80/100m guyed
masts with multilevel instrumentation are used for the investigation. Reliable and
fully automated instruments that can give the necessary out put for the wind energy
resource assessment is being used at the field stations. The wind data generated
will be used for establishment of Wind Power Projects. Winds in India are influenced
by strong south west summer monsoon which starts from May June and weaker north
east monsoon which starts in October. During the period of March to August winds
are uniformly strong over the Indian peninsula except the eastern coast. Wind speeds
during the period November to March are relatively weaker. .
The capacity of wind electric generators so far installed in the country ranges
between 225 to 2500 KW machines. The machines are commercially proved and are being
manufactured in the countries like Denmark, Holland, Germany, USA, Japan etc. The
Wind Electric Generators are at present are manufactured indigenously and some of
the manufacturers are exporting the machines to other countries. As per the guidelines
of Govt.of India, the wind machines should have type approval issued by the approved
international agency. NIWE, Govt.of India notifies the list of suppliers from time
to time. State Electricity Boards / State Nodal Agencies / developers have to verify
the validity of the type approvals at regular intervals as per MNRE guidelines.
The NIWE has established testing station at Kayathar in Tamilnadu for testing the
WEGs in India.
The space required for erecting single windmill will be based on the topography
of the site and the size of the machine
Based on the present cost of machines the capital cost for installation of 1 MW
project would be approximately Rs.600 to 650 lakhs. This is only an estimate and
actual cost of the project depends on size and make of the machines and location
of the project. As there is no raw material requirement for wind electric generator
there will not be any escalation in the cost of energy, which will only decline
over a period of time based on the servicing of debt.
The Govt. of Andhra Pradesh have announced ‘ Andhra Pradesh Wind Policy 2015’ vide
G.O.Ms.No.9 dt.13.02.2015 of Energy, Infrastructure & Investment (PR.II) Dept. to
promote wind power projects in the private sector. The salient features of policy
- Deemed Industry status
- Deemed PPP status for sale of power
to Discom
- Exemption from obtaining any NOC/Consent
for pollution
- Deemed Non-agricultural status on
payment of applicable fees
- Exemption of supervision charges
to APTransco / Discoms within project site upto pooling sub-station
- Single Window Mechanism with stipulated
- Exemption of Transmission & Distribution
(T&D) charges within the state
- Banking of 100% of energy permitted
during all 12 months
- Exemption of electricity duty for
captive consumption, sale to APDISCOMs and third party sale within the state.
- Advance possession of Government
land to NREDCAP to facilitate immediate execution of projects.
- Re-powering is encouraged
- Feed-in-tariff for wind and solar
hybrid projects.
- To promote manufacturing, allotment
of Government land on long term lease basis and exemption of electricity duty for
a period of 10 years.
The levelised generic preferential tariff is Rs.4.84 per unit without considering
the Accelerated Depreciation ,and Rs.4.25 per unit with Accelerated Depreciation
.The above tariff is applicable for all the new Wind Power Projects entering into
Power Purchase Agreements (PPA’s) with AP Discoms on or after 01-04-2016.
NREDCAP, which is acting as a Nodal Agency as per orders of Govt. of A.P. accords
approval upto 40 MW projects and recommend capacity allotment beyond 40 MW to Govt.
of Andhra Pradesh for the projects coming up in the private sector. The projects
can be set up either for commercial or for captive generation. The developers who
seek the approval for setting up of wind farm may submit the application form in
the prescribed format which is annexed at ‘A’, has to be addressed to the VC & Managing
Director, NREDCAP Ltd, 5-8-207/2, Pisgah Complex, Nampally, Hyderabad-500 001. The
project proposals will be evaluated and the NREDCAP will accord final clearance
to set up the projects.
The developer will have to enter into agreement with NREDCAP on allotment and sanction
of the project. At the time of agreement, the project developer shall pay an amount
of Rs.1,50,000 / MW towards sanction fee which is non- refundable. Further, the
developer shall submit performance bank guarantee of Rs.2,00,000 / MW in case the
projects are proposed to be set up in Revenue / Forest Areas and Rs.1,00,000 / MW
in case the projects are proposed to be set up in private lands. The project shall
be completed within 2 years period form the date of signing of agreement.
On obtaining sanction from NREDCAP, the developer shall submit proposal for allotment
of land as per the policy of the Govt from time to time. The developer will approach
AP Transco / DISCOMs for making arrangements to interface the wind farm with the
near by grid duly providing the energy meters for import and export. Necessary safety
requirements will have to be made before connecting wind farm to grid.
Annexure - A
Regd.Office: 5-8-207/2, Pisgah complex, Nampally, Hyderabad - 500 001. India Tele:
Off: 3202391/3203692 Grams: "NEDCAP" Fax:040-23201666 Web: E-Mail
1. Name of the Applicant / Organization :
2. Regd. Office address with Telephone, Fax, Telex etc :
3. Type of the Organization (Private / Public Ltd., Partnership firm etc.) :
4. Present Activity / Business :
5. Turnover of the Company in last three years :
6. Net Profit of the Company in last three years :
7. Type of production unit and installed production capacity :
8. Actual production in last three years :
9. Plans for development/diversification :
1. Present consumption of Electricity- AP Transco / DISCOM- Captive :
2. Connected Electrical Load of the company :
3. Whether HT/LT Consumer :
1. Whether proposed to set up for captive use/on Commercial basis (Sale of power)
2. Capacity of Wind Farm proposed to be installed :
3. No. of wind turbine generators and their sizes proposed (Tech. details of machinery
proposed may be enclosed) :
4. Site proposed for setting up of Wind Farm in order of preference :
5. Whether agreed to set up wind farm at any other site, other than site indicated
above :
6. Nearest sub-station of AP Transco DISCOM and the distance from the proposed location
7. Voltage ratio of the Sub-Station
8. Estimated project cost (Please give details with cost break-up and cash flow
Statement for 10 yrs period is to be enclosed :
9. Sources of finance of the project (Please give details of the equity, loans etc.)
10. Planned duration for completion of the project in one phase (Please give bar
chart of activities) :
11. Application fee (Rs.25,000/- per megawatt) :
Paid Rs____ by DD ____dt.____ drawn on______payable at___________
I/We certify that all information furnished is true to the best of my/our knowledge.
I/We also agree that NREDCAP is the final authority to sanction the wind farm project.
We shall not have any dispute with NREDCAP for non-allotment of wind farm at any
particular location where we may have preference. We also agree to sign necessary
agreement with NREDCAP and Grid tie-up and power purchase wheeling agreement with
AP Transco / DISCOM.
Place: ____________
Signature with seal of the company
Date: ____________
1. A certified copy of partnership deed.
2. A certified copy of the Registration Certificate of the Registration, if the
partnership is registered.
3. A certified copy of the bye-laws of the Co-operative society and also certified
copy of Registration if applicable
4. Certified copy of Memorandum of Articles of the Public/Private Ltd. Company and
also copy of Registration Certificate.
5. Certified copy of the Authority conferring powers on the person(s) who are competent
to execute the agreement with the NREDCAP, AP Transco / DISCOM, furnished on the
stamp paper of Rs.50/-.
6. Project profile in three copies covering all aspects of site location, selection
of equipment, capital cost, cost of generation, performance etc. Format for submission
of project profile is given below.
7. Details of Technical capabilities for implementing the wind power project along
with relevant documents shall be produced.
8. Details of Financial capabilities for implementing the wind power project along
with relevant documents shall be produced.
9. Balance sheet for last three years and latest Net Worth certificate shall be
1. Details of the applicants / promoters(Profile of the company shall be enclosed)
2. Details of the Project
i) Location
ii) Wind Resources Data
ii) Capacity
iv) Wind Turbine equipment details
v) Land requirements and procurement
vi) Grid interface arrangements
3. Cost of the project
4. Means of financing
5. Annual Energy Output
Capacity Factor
Availability Factor
6. Cost of generation
7. Utilization of energy generated
8. Deatils of Central and State Promotional / fiscal incentives sought to be availed
i) accelerated depreciation
ii) Customs duty concessions
iii) Excise duty concessions
iv) Tax-holiday
Signature with seal of the Company
For further details, please contact
Regd.Office:5-8-207/2, Pisgah Complex, Nampally, Hyderabad - 500 001. 23202391
/ 23203638 Grams: "NEDCAP" Fax :040-23201666
District Manager,
Agro Bhavan, 1st Floor,
Near Clock Tower,
ANANTAPUR - 515 001,Ph. 958554 - 241060
District Manager
H. No. 10-161,
Gandhi Road,
CHITTOOR – 517 001, Ph. 958572-233187
District Manager
27-1-248, 19th Cross Road,
Balaji Nagar (New Y. K. Achari School)
NELLORE - 524 002, Ph. 95861-2326616
District Manager
Room No. 138, East Cellar Wing,
New Collectorate Complex,
KURNOOL - 518 002,Ph. 958518-277975
District Manager
6-275, Sankarapuram,
Near Canara Bank,
KADAPA - 516 001,Ph. 958562-244151